This is the download site for StrataSynch. StrataSynch is a tool for musical composition based upon techniques presented in Joseph Schillinger's Schillinger System of Musical Composition. For readers familiar with the Schillinger System of Musical Composition, StrataSynch combines techniques from
- Book I-Chapter 8 Coordination of Time Structures
- Book V The Special Theory of Harmony
- Book VIII Instrumental Forms
After the user enters parameters into StrataSynch(Click here to view the StrataSynch manual), StrataSynch performs the following operations to generate a musical pattern.
- Generates a 4 part harmony(hybrid 4 part S1p+S3p).
- Duplicates this generated 4 part harmony into strata layers(upto 4 allowed)
- Synchronizes and distributes an entered rhythm across the generated strata(places of attack).
- Generates a final musical pattern in ABC song description language.
This is a limited version of StrataSynch. The goals for its distribution are to
- Give people some exposure to some of Schillinger's techniques.
- Prompt feedback from you on the software and how it can be improved(including possible addition of features).
- Give me a sense if there is a market for such software.
I think its features are nevertheless powerful. They include
- 5 chord structures(major,minor,augmented,diminished,and 7th(Type I)
- 4 scales(major, melodic minor, harmonic minor, pentatonic(blues)
- 4 basic determinants(2 thru 5)
- Upto 4 strata allowed. 1 stratum may have an independent rhythm from other 3.
- Each stratum may have its own midi sound(subject to user's midi player and sound library)
- Control of dynamics(Each beat can be assigned a loud,soft,medium level)
- Output is textual and can be easily edited and can be integrated into compositions. In addition, there are a wealth of utilities/software for modifying/converting ABC notation.
I am developing a more powerful version of StrataSynch with the following features slated for inclusion.
- Increased number of strata
- More harmonic scales(for Type I and Type II progressions)
- Increased selection of chord structures including the sigma structures(as defined in Book VI Correlation of Harmony and Melody)
- Increased selection of determinants
StrataSynch's output is the textual music language ABC. As such, additional utilites are required to play and/or view the output in musical notation. The latest installer provides binaries of these various utilities which can be installed with StrataSynch. All of these are GNU versions . I have provided links to all of them so you may learn more about them etc.
User Knowledge
The knowledge required to use StrataSynch is dependent upon your personal goals. After gaining some experience with StrataSynch, I believe it's possible for someone to just play with and produce pleasurable musical patterns. Nevertheless I believe some knowledge of basic music theory is ultimately required and knowledge of Schillinger's techniques is even better.
- Windows XP
- Download the Native Executable for Windows XP. As noted earlier, this installer contains supporting GNU utilities for playing and viewing StrataSynch's output(provided a pdf reader is installed on your system.) This installs and runs like a normal Windows program. After downloading this file, run it and it will guide you thru installation.
- OPTIONAL This should not be necessary but for those who are interested...:Configure StrataSynch
- Run StrataSynch. Press F1 to bring up help.
Eskelin, Gerald The Sounds of Music. Woodland Hills: Stage 3 Publishing 1998
Schillinger, Joseph The Schillinger System of Musical Composition
Harwich Port: Clock and Rose Press 2004
Contact Information